ADZTECH is committed to opening our doors to clients that require services that our agency specializes in. As a team we help raise awareness of the existing services provided on the island. ADZTECH partners with the other local groups such as Guam Special Olympis and the Lupus Awareness Group, to help put together local waves, conferences and events that broadcast their focus group. ADZTECH’s general manager, Geri Leon Guerrero is on the board of many outreach programs that our company lends a helping hand to and it is a great honor to be able to work hand-in-hand and give back to our island. As a team, we have been involved in various Public Outreach Programs, such as:
- World Cadet Challenge (International Tournament Event)
- Lupus Awareness Group of Guam
- Rigalu Foundation: Peace Festival, OZ
- Department of Labor/ AHRD One Stop Career Center Marketing and Outreach Program
- Mangilao Mayors Office – Donne Festival & Thursday Night Market
- Micronesian Brokers Inc. Strong Moms Symposium
- Department of Public Works Office of Highway Safety
- Don’t Drink and Drive Campaign
- Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) Division of Environmental Health 5th Annual Food Safety Fair
- Guam Tourism Education Council – W.A.V.E Summit
- Guam Special Olympics
- Public Radio Guam KPRG 89.3 FM
- Guam Contractors Assn. (GCA) & Dept. of Labor (GDOL) Employment Expo., Industry Fair
- Five Deep Expedition
- Fu’una Rising
- Mayors Movement
- IAG HeadsUP
- Pipit